Clete Blakeman

MKhanal 20 Jan,2025

Facts of Clete Blakeman

Full Name
Cletus W. Blakeman
Last Name
Birth Name
Cletus W. Blakeman
First Name
Famous Name
Cletus W. Blakeman
Current City
Omaha, Nebraska
Katie Blakeman
Married to
Katie Blakeman
Relationship Status


Career & Net worth

NFL Officiating: Approximately $200,000 per year
Famous for
NFL Officiating and Legal Practice
NFL Referee and Personal Injury Attorney
Started career as
College Quarterback


Katie Blakeman
Married to
Katie Blakeman
Relationship Status

Clete Blakeman is an NFL referee and personal injury attorney from Omaha, Nebraska, who balanced professional sports along with the practice of law. A former backup quarterback at the University of Nebraska, he rose to the elite rank of NFL official-refereeing Super Bowl 50 and simultaneously has gained a strong legal career as a partner with Carlson Blakeman LLP. His professional background represents a singular journey of versatility, expertise, and leadership in athletic officiating and legal representation.

The Unexpected Gridiron Journey

Now, picture a young quarterback who never quite made the starting lineup but would eventually become one of the most influential figures in NFL officiating. Clete Blakeman's story is about football but also about changing limitations into unbelievable opportunities.

Clete CAPTION: Super Bowl 50 and a successful legal career—Clete Blakeman’s story is a testament to hard work and determination. SOURCE: Instagram

At the University of Nebraska, where football is almost religion, Blakeman wore number 16, standing on the sidelines and absorbing every strategic nuance of the game. His status as a backup was not a setback but a secret training ground for future greatness.

Whistle-Blowing Brilliance: NFL's Officiating Maestro

When Blakeman stepped onto NFL fields, he didn't referee—he conducted a symphony of athletic precision. Going from player to official was almost like being schooled in the dynamics of the game. Uniform number 34 inducted him into levels beyond being an official: he was a guardian of fairness.

Super Bowl 50 wasn't just another game; it was his coronation into the hall of the most respected officiating professional that the NFL has ever laid eyes on. Players may challenge calls, but to Blakeman, respect will always be served.

Recently Written: Lorenzo Aguado

The Courtroom Quarterback

While most people know Blakeman for his yellow flag, his legal briefs are equally powerful. As a personal injury attorney at Carlson Blakeman LLP, he fights for justice with the same intensity he manages a controversial pass interference call.

Clete CAPTION: Leading on the gridiron and in the courtroom—Clete Blakeman’s skills extend far beyond the whistle. SOURCE: Instagram

His legal practice is not just about winning cases; it is about restoring dignity to injured clients. Recognized as one of Nebraska's top attorneys, Blakeman proves that true professionals excel in multiple arenas.

Justice Served with Precision

In the courtroom, Blakeman is a strategic genius. The way he does things in court, like his style on the ice, is methodical, very fair, and incredibly precise. Membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum is not just an accomplishment but also a testimony to his commitment to representing those who cannot represent themselves.

Roots of Excellence

Born in Norfolk, Nebraska, Blakeman is essentially American—a tale of hard work, family influence, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. His father, also an official in this sport, wasn't just his parent but one who planted in him the seeds of this remarkable career. A young Clete was raised in Omaha and instilled with the belief that it's not the position of a start that matters but how the game gets played.

Beyond Profession: A Mentor and Role Model

But Blakeman is more than a referee or an attorney; he is an inspiration. His mentorship extends beyond the football field and courtroom, teaching young professionals that integrity, preparation, and passion are the true markers of success.

Clete CAPTION: More than a career—Clete Blakeman’s legacy is built on mentorship, guidance, and unwavering integrity. SOURCE: Instagram

When he speaks to aspiring referees or young lawyers, he doesn't just share knowledge; he ignites potential.

Digital Fame and Cultural Impact

It is a great ironic twist of modern recognition that Blakeman's voice and likeness have been immortalized in the Madden NFL video game franchise since 2013. It is not just a digital representation; it is a cultural acknowledgment of his great effect on the sport.

A Life of Continuous Learning

What makes Blakeman extraordinary is that he looks at every challenge—whether it is some complex legal case or a controversially refereed play in football—as an opportunity for growth. His career is a masterclass in adaptability, showing that true professionals are never confined by their initial roles.

The story of Clete Blakeman serves as a reminder that the great stories in life are not made by overnight sensations but by relentless excellence, versatility, and dedication to one's work.

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